16.11.Muhammad compared to Jesus Christ

We judge a religion based on the teachings and example of its founder. Let's look at the founder of Islam and see what sort of model he is and if we should be following him.....

Welcome to check up the references given - these are all from Islam itself!

A. Muhammed was convinced at one point that he was Demon possessed  (IBN ISHAQ 106)

B.  Muhammed tried repeatedly to commit suicide. (IBN ISHAQ 106; BUKARI 6982)

C. Muhammed admittedly delivered revelations from the devil. (IBN ISHAQ 165-6; IBN SA’D 1: 236-9)

D. Muhammed complained that he was a victim of a magic spell. (BUKARI 3175, 5765)

E. Muhammed supported his religion by robbing people. (IBN ISHAQ 281-289)

F. M Muhammed started a war with Mecca when he had a chance to live in peace in Medina. (IBN ISHAQ 289-321)

G. Muhammed had people assassinated for criticising his religion. (IBN ISHAQ 675-676)

H. Muhammed beheaded hundreds of Jews for trying to defend themselves. (IBN ISHAQ 464; TABARA 8:27-41)

I. Muhammed ordered his followers to execute anyone who leaves his religion. (BUKHARI 6878; 6922)

J. Muhammed commanded his followers to violently subjugate the entire world (QURAN 929; MUSLIM 7258)

K. Muhammed tortured people for money. (IBN ISHAQ 515)

L. Muhammed bought, sold, owned and traded, black African slaves. (BUKARI 6161, 7263)

M. Muhammed called Ethiopians, ‘raisin heads’ and claimed that Satan looks like a black man. (BUKARI 7142; IBN ISHAQ 243)

N. Muhammed had sex with a nine-year-old girl. (BUKARI 3895, 5133)

O. Muhammed had at least nine wives at one time, even though his own revelations only allowed four. (BUKARI 268, 5068, 5215)

P. Muhammed married the wife of his own adopted son, after causing the divorce. (QURAN 33: 37; TABARI 8:2-3)

Q. Muhammed had sex with a slave girl. (QURAN 33: 50; NASA’I 3411)

R. Muhammed broke the promise he made to his wives that he would stop having sex with his slave girl. (QURAN 66:1; NASA’I 3411)

S. Muhammed allowed his followers to rape their female captives.  (QURAN 4:24; ABU DAWUD 2155)

T. Muhammed took the most beautiful captives back to his own tent. (BUKARI 4200; IBN ISHAQ 466)

U. Muhammed told his followers they  they could beat their wives into submission. (QURAN 4:34; IBN MAJAH 1986)

V. Muhammed declared that women are stupid and that their testimony is unreliable. (QURAN 2:282; BUKARI 2658)

W. Muhammed promoted idolatrous, pagan practices like kissing the black stone and bowing down to the Kaaba. (BUKARI 1597; QURAN 2: 144)

X. Muhammed repeated stories based on forgeries and passed them off as revelations from God. (QURAN 6:25, 8:31, 16:103)

Y. Muhammed portrayed God as deceptive and Jesus as a complete failure. (QURAN 3:54, 4: 157, 7:99)

Z. Muhammed has kept more people from knowing the true God, than any other false prophet in history.

Once again David Wood cannot be refuted in his clarity and logic. Watch the video to compare Muhammad with JESUS, the Saviour of the world! 


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